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tenancy solved: The issue of people who do not pick after their dogs have
become a major problem today. Almost if not all dog owners claim that they
always scoop after their dogs, but many eyewitnesses can claim that they have
seen very many people who just walk away.... moreThe issue of people who do not pick after their dogs have
become a major problem today. Almost if not all dog owners claim that they
always scoop after their dogs, but many eyewitnesses can claim that they have
seen very many people who just walk away. Many people are frustrated by those
people who do not scoop after their dogs, and this is a clear indication how it
is important to keep the environment free of dog poop.
No one would say that they are happy seeing and smelling
dog waste. It becomes even grosser when a person steps on the dog waste.
Researcher state that dog poop contains contaminants which are disease carrying
bacteria. When the poop finds its way to the water bodies after being washed by
running water, it takes pathogens and parasites which cause illnesses to those
who drink that contaminated water. Most municipal laws demand that pet owners
clean after their pets.
Today there are dog bags which have been manufactured to
suit that purpose. However, a person can just... less