Landlord tips group is a group of landlords offering positive tips to new landlords or wannabe landlords. They discuss The tricks of the trade and downfalls
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tenancy solved: Being a landlord can be a very lucrative and rewarding
business, but in order to make a profit, you have to make smart choices. On top
of making a profit, you also want to ensure you bring in quality tenants so
that you have a less stressful experience... moreBeing a landlord can be a very lucrative and rewarding
business, but in order to make a profit, you have to make smart choices. On top
of making a profit, you also want to ensure you bring in quality tenants so
that you have a less stressful experience and they have a positive one. Even if
you already have strategies and systems in place, this group will be offering
you tips on common mistakes that are made by landlords so you can avoid them,
or stop doing them, so you see the return on your investment.
Having one good referral or looking at the social media page
of a potential tenant is not going to give you the information that will lead
to making a wise choice when it comes to selecting tenants. Getting background
data such as criminal records, credit scores, sex offender searches, and
employee summaries will give you confident when leasing. You can even go one
step further and get a nationwide eviction report to learn even more about the
tenant and if they will be a good fit for you.