tenancy solved's Polls

Would you say yes and trust your landlord?

How would you react if your landlord proposed that a CCTV camera be installed to protect you and your belongings after you were a victim of a vicious robbery in your flat? The camera would be linked to you mobile phone or any device you want to use. This would allow you to monitor 24/7 what is happening at the property. The down side is that the landlord would also have access to the camera which would include recording of your every move. The landlord has promised not to invade your privacy by looking at the recording without your permission. But can you trust him, knowing that he is a family man and may not have control of what is going on in his house and he may not be able to protect your privacy as he promised? What would you do as you cannot afford the surveillance equipment? Have it installed as you know that is it necessary and vital, or say no as you would rather take your chances and possibly avoid having your privacy violated?
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